Cynllunio Diweddaraf / Planning Latest

Y diweddaraf ar geisiadau cynllunio yn ward Bronglais a'r cyffiniau
The latest on planning applications in Bronglais ward and around
Bwthyn, Min y Bryn / Edgehill Road A081044
Erection of an extension and alterations, including demolition work
Erection of an extension and alterations, including demolition work
Diweddaraf / Latest – APPROVED
Ysbyty Bronglais / Bronglais Hospital A080176
Erection of 5 storey extension and 2 storey car park
Outline application (i.e. for the principle of the development)
Diweddaraf / Latest – Discussed at the Development Control Committee on 12th November. The application was DEFERRED, pending agreement with the Trunk Road Agency on road traffic safety on the Penglais Hill side and also subject to the agreement of measures to manage traffic during both the construction and operational period of the development - this will involve the construction of a Park & Ride near the top of Penglais Hill.
Carregwen, Ffordd Llanbadarn Road
Codi ty datgysylltiedig / Erection of a detached dwelling
In the front garden of the above house, i.e. fronting onto Llanbadarn Road
Codi ty datgysylltiedig / Erection of a detached dwelling in the rear garden of the above house, i.e. fronting onto St David’s Road.
Mae dau gais adeliadu wedi eu cyflwyno ar gyfer Carregwen ar Ffordd Llanbadarn, rhwng Ffordd Caradog a Ffordd Ddewi. Y llynedd, gwrthodwyd cais i adeiladu tri tŷ yng ngardd y tŷ gan Bwyllgor Rheoli Datblygiad y Cyngor Sir. Nawr mae dau gais arwahan wedi eu cyflwyno ar gyfer dau dŷ yn yr un ardd.
The above two planning applications have been submitted for the garden of Carregwen in Llanbadarn Road, between Caradoc Road and St David's Road. Last year an application to build three houses in the garden of the house was rejected by the County Council’s Development Control Committee. Now two separate applications have been submitted for two houses in the same garden.
Diweddaraf / Latest – This application has been delayed whilst Planning Officers consider their recommendation. The earliest date for decision will be 11th February.
Ysgol Plas Crug School, Coedlan Plas Crug Avenue A080848
Erection of Conservatory
Diweddaraf/ Latest – APPROVED subject to conditions
Llyfygell Genedlaethol / National Library A080810LB
Listed Building Consent - New external wheelchair platform lift, 2 disabled parking bays, relay existing steps adjacent to new platform lift, new access ramp to main entrance, ramps to existing footway.
Mynwent Aberystwyth Cemetery, Ffordd Llanbadarn Road A080587
Erection of a garage and stores and ancilliary accommodation
Diweddaraf / Latest – APPROVED
Plot 6, Llys Ardwyn, Ffordd Ddewi / St David's Road (Hen Safle Penweddig / Old Penweddig site) A080513
Codi ty datgysylltiedig / Erection of a detached dwelling
Darn o dir ar ochr yr ysbyty o'r safle yw Plot 6 ac mae modd ei gyrraedd o'rtracc ger brig Cae'r Gog
Plot 6 is the piece of land on the hospital side of the site, accessible via the track at the top of Cae'r Gog.
Diweddaraf / Latest – The application is being dealt with by outside consultants brought in to help clear the Council’s backlog of planning applications. No objection from Highways Dept.
Other applications so far approved at Llys Ardwyn are:
Phase 1 - 9 flats
Phase 2 - 18 flats
Phase 3 (the old school 'C' Block) - 17 flats (inc. 3 affordable)
4 apartments in the 'Undercroft' (3 as affordable housing)
Houses on plots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Llyfrgell Cenedlaethol Cymru / National Library of Wales A080401
Hewl un ffordd newyddyn cysylltu y Llyfrgell a Champws y Brifysgol
One-way link road between the National Library and the University Campus
Other applications so far approved at Llys Ardwyn are:
Phase 1 - 9 flats
Phase 2 - 18 flats
Phase 3 (the old school 'C' Block) - 17 flats (inc. 3 affordable)
4 apartments in the 'Undercroft' (3 as affordable housing)
Houses on plots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Llyfrgell Cenedlaethol Cymru / National Library of Wales A080401
Hewl un ffordd newyddyn cysylltu y Llyfrgell a Champws y Brifysgol
One-way link road between the National Library and the University Campus
Diweddaraf / Latest - No objection from Highways Dept. Awaiting decision.
Northgate House, Stryd y Dollborth / Northgate Street A070273
Gosod 2 uned tewychu wrth ymyl yr adeilad
Installation of 2 condensing units to side of building
Diweddaraf / Latest - Development Control Committee on 18th June decided that the application should be deferred to invite the applicant to relocate the condensing units or, failing the identification of an appropriate site, the carrying out of works to mitigate the sound from the units which is disturbing local residents. Officers were also told to consider imposing restrictions on the operating times of the units. A failure to agree to this will result in refusal of permission and enforcement action. No final resolution as yet.
Gellir gweld y cynlluniau yn Swyddfa Cyngor y Dref yn Neuadd y Dref, Aberystwyth (Ffon 624761). Dylid danfon sylwadau at yr Adran Cynllunio, Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron, Ceredigion, SA46 0PA.
Plans for all applications can be viewed in the Town Council Office in Aberystwyth Town Hall (Tel 624761). Comments can be sent to the Planning Department, Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa Aberaeron, Ceredigion, SA46 0PA