Poll backs Yes vote by more than 2:1
An opinion poll published today by Yougov into the referendum on giving the National Assembly more law making powers shows people in Mid & West Wales backing a Yes vote by a majority of more than two to one, the largest majority of any Welsh region. 
Not voting 7%
The figures for the whole of Wales show Yes voters leading by 49% - 26%. The referendum will be held on March 3rd.
When asked how they were planning to vote in the Assembly elections on May 5th the figures for Mid & West Wales gave Plaid Cymru a clear lead:
Plaid Cymru 34%
Labour 28%
Conservative 26%
Lib Dems 6%
Greens 2%
The figures were adjusted to take into account likelihood to vote
Full details of the opinion poll are here

Yes 56%
No 25%
Don’t know 11%Not voting 7%
The figures for the whole of Wales show Yes voters leading by 49% - 26%. The referendum will be held on March 3rd.
When asked how they were planning to vote in the Assembly elections on May 5th the figures for Mid & West Wales gave Plaid Cymru a clear lead:
Plaid Cymru 34%
Labour 28%
Conservative 26%
Lib Dems 6%
Greens 2%
The figures were adjusted to take into account likelihood to vote
Full details of the opinion poll are here