
Aberystwyth's biomass extension

This is a photo (click to enlarge) of the Ysgol Penweddig playing fields, taken from Canolfan Rheidol, Ceredigion Council’s office building on the outskirts of Aberystwyth. The building on the right houses a 1.2MW biomass boiler which has been providing space heating and hot water to Canolfan Rheidol and the Welsh Government building next door since 2009. 

During the school holidays the Council has been laying pipework to connect the biomass building to Ysgol Penweddig (the big white building near the middle of the picture) and to Plas Crug Leisure Centre (the white building to the left).

You can just about see the track of the filled in trenches behind the rugby posts and just to the left of the Leisure Centre.

In the next few months, the work of connecting the new pipework to the biomass boiler will be completed and the whole thing should be operational by the new year.

The new scheme will save approximately 229 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year on top of the 203 tonnes the biomass boiler is already saving.